2 min read

Video Conferencing Tips During Coronavirus

Apr 1, 2020 6:40:34 AM


I can't tell you how many times I've worked with clients in a video conference where I almost couldn't see them. How do you think that plays in a job interview?

I think in the weeks and months to come, video interviewing is going to become very popular, and will mostly replace in-person interviewing, even at the executive level, using tools like Zoom, GoToMeeting, WebEx and other webinar applications.

After working with thousands of job applicants, I've whittled this "must-do" list for successful video conferencing down to just a few vital things. As the trend of hiring remote leaders increases, which it will, these video conferencing tips will become even more important.

Do these things and you'll be head and shoulders above your competition. Quite literally!

If you would like information about my upcoming live office hours in April and May to help you thrive while working and job searching during the pandemic, where I answer your questions on a YouTube live stream, sign up for notification and details of each live stream and submit your questions ahead of time, to make sure they are answered even if you can't attend live.

I and my team at Career Resume Consulting are not recruiters - instead, we work on behalf of the six-figure and seven-figure professionals that engage with us - like you, the executive job seeker - to make sure you find your perfect job that pays you what you're worth!

To set up a time to talk with me personally about how partnering with Career Resume Consulting can speed up your search and assist you in finding a company that checks all of YOUR boxes, visit my private consultation page at http://www.ConsultwithTammy.com to find out more about what types of clients CRC works with and what services we provide, and to access my personal calendar to schedule a time to talk with me

Tammy Kabell

Written by Tammy Kabell
