KANSAS CITY June 20, 2017 -- Career Resume Consulting has been selected for the 2017 Kansas City Award in both the Executive Career Search Services and Resume Writing Services categories by the Kansas City Award Program.
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Career Resume Consulting Wins Top Award for Career Search Services
By Tammy Kabell on Jun 20, 2017 7:27:04 AM
Topics: Blog Business Success job market kansas city lees summit mo resume writing Career Development career development Executive Career Coaching executive career help executive careers executive job Executive Job Search Executive Jobs Executive Resume Writing executive search
3 min read
Why the 4.7% Unemployment Rate is BAD for You
By Tammy Kabell on Jun 5, 2016 1:12:47 PM
Topics: Blog career Career Advice career advice Career Change Career Guidance job market Job Search job searching job seekers kansas city lees summit marketing yourself mo six figure job applicants Career Counseling Career Development career development Executive Career Coaching executive career help executive careers executive job Executive Job Search Executive Jobs executive search executive search techniques job Job Advice
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Think You're Too Old to Change Careers? Think Again
By Tammy Kabell on Aug 28, 2014 8:17:02 AM
At what age do you become too old for a career change? The answer is: you don't. While changing careers can be more difficult for seasoned workers, there really is no reason why you have to stay in a job you don't enjoy. Career change is possible for anyone and at any age.
Topics: Career Change kansas city kc KS lees summit mo career development Executive Job Search
2 min read
Five Traits That Women Who Make Six Figures Have in Common
By Tammy Kabell on Aug 21, 2014 8:05:12 AM
It takes a special type of woman to bring home six figures; not just any woman can do it. This doesn't mean that you can't be one of them, only that you will need certain traits to succeed in your career development. Here are five of them.
Topics: Career Change kansas city kc KS lees summit mo Career Development career development Executive Job Search executive search
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Four Challenges of Finding a Six-Figure Job--and How to Overcome Them
By Tammy Kabell on Aug 13, 2014 6:43:50 PM
Finding any job in today's economy can be tough, but finding a job that will provide a six-figure income can prove especially difficult. Jobs with six-figure incomes aren't easy to come by, and even if you do find one, there is no guarantee you'll get the job. That doesn't mean that you can't focus your career development efforts and increase your chances, however. Here are four career development obstacles you will likely face when looking for a job with a six-figure income and how to overcome them.
Topics: kansas city kc KS mo Career Development career development
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Four Ways Goal Setting Can Help You With Career Development
By Tammy Kabell on Aug 6, 2014 6:34:56 PM
Most people don't just stumble upon their dream job as soon as they enter the workforce. Instead, they have to decide what they want to do and then find and take the steps they need to get there. The first step to reaching your dream job isn't going back to school; it's career development goal setting. Here are four ways goal setting can help you with career development.
Topics: kansas city kc KS mo Career Development career development Executive Job Search Job Advice
2 min read
4 Ways To Make Your Job Search Fun
By Tammy Kabell on Jul 27, 2014 4:28:47 PM
Making a career change is always a big leap of faith. Whether you’ve been downsized from your old job or this career change is your own choice, launching into a job search can be overwhelming. At this point, I always like to remember the Mary Poppin’s school of thought that “A teaspoon of sugar makes the medicine go down!” So, let’s start with 4 ways to make your job search fun!
Topics: Career Change kansas city kc KS lees summit mo employer
2 min read
Can My Credit Score Hurt My Job Search?
By Tammy Kabell on Jul 13, 2014 4:04:27 PM
If you’re in the process of making a career change, then you might be concerned about your current credit score. Especially if you’ve been in the career change mode for a little while, tight times often show up in your credit report right away. The good news is that most background checks usually don’t use a credit score to disqualify a potential candidate. So, how are credit scores used by employers while you undergo your career change?
Topics: Job Search kansas city kc KS lees summit mo Career Development career development Executive Job Search
2 min read
Are Your Looks Putting Your Promotion in Jeopardy?
By Tammy Kabell on Jun 7, 2014 11:01:25 AM
When talking to a career guidance counselor, you will probably hear a range of helpful advice, including to choose a job that you love and to choose a job that will pay the bills. One important piece of information you may not hear from a career guidance counselor, however, is that your young looks may threaten to hold you back from achieving and excelling in the job that you want. That's right--looking younger than your age can actually hold you back when it comes to your career.
Topics: Career Guidance mo career development career guidance Executive Job Search
2 min read
Fashion Tips for Interviewing
By Tammy Kabell on May 29, 2014 2:24:41 PM
The first look of your interview may have the power to create a final decision among employers. The fashion statement you make is also an indication of your personality, attention to detail and your lifestyle. If it doesn't have a strong impression left by those interviewing you, then it may make it difficult for you to make the needed career change. Following certain fashion tips for an interview is a simple step to landing the job you desire.