Welcome to this week's edition of your Job Market Minute: it's designed to give you valuable career search advice that will take less than 60 seconds to read...
2 min read
JMM: Choosing a Job Title for Your Resume
By Tammy Kabell on May 6, 2013 9:09:39 AM
Topics: a Blog career choose why consulting
2 min read
Choosing A Job Title for Your Executive Resume
By Tammy Kabell on May 5, 2013 9:00:43 PM
Many job seekers leave out the detail of a job title on their resume while applying for jobs. Well, without a job title, how are recruiters or hiring managers going to know what position you’re pursuing? Even if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for yet, here’s why you should consider placing a job title at the top of your resume:
Topics: a job title job titles resume resume job titles Executive Career Coaching Executive Resume Writing
2 min read
Your JMM: Why they aren't hiring you
By Tammy Kabell on Mar 25, 2013 11:31:16 AM
Today's lesson is one of marketing and sales - personally marketing yourself during the hiring process. This begins with the resume, continues with the online profile, includes all of the conversations, both by phone and face to face, and concludes with the negotiation process.
Topics: a need Executive Career Coaching headshot I jmm
1 min read
Your JMM: Positioning vs. Prospecting
By Tammy Kabell on Feb 4, 2013 9:48:50 AM
Special Reminder: If January, the biggest hiring month of the year, has passed you by and you're still looking for a job, it will be worth your time to attend my FREE Resume Reboot Workshop happening this Thursday, February 7th, from 1-3 pm. This is an in-person workshop and seating is extremely limited. For more information and to register, visit: http://resumerebootworkshop.