The Video Below Continues Brett's Story about Partnering with CRC, Specifically in Our Interview Coaching Support.

You may have just heard Brett's executive branding and Networking Superhighway experiences, and if you didn't, then after you watch the video below, you can click to our web page that has Brett's first Client Experience video and his thoughts about our Executive Branding Program. He also shared his experience using our Networking Superhighway active outreach program.

Not having experience searching outside of his current employer for over 15 years, he needed to interview as a top performer and navigate the hiring processes of today's new roles, so he found that assistance by enrolling in our Six-Figure Finish Line interview and negotiation coaching program.

Brett enrolled in all three of our programsExecutive Branding, Networking Superhighway and Executive Interview Coaching. With negotiation help from Tammy Kabell, he increased his overall compensation by $188,000.

His entire journey with us, including his rebranding, his active outreach and all of his hiring processes were less than 6 months, which is a year shorter than the U.S. average at his level.



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