Let’s consider your situation:

  • You have the support of your new boss, they want you to prove they made a good hire. That goodwill has a shelf life.
  • You likely have the support of other members of the interview team, though some may take a wait and see approach. Others in the organization may be ambivalent, or could be hostile if you beat them out for the position.
  • The first few months on the job is the time when you will establish your reputation and lay the groundwork for future success. If done correctly, it can accelerate your trajectory and minimize roadblocks. If done poorly, it can hamstring your efforts and potentially take years to correct.
  • How will you introduce yourself to your new colleagues? Replicated studies have shown that impressions formed in the first 3-5 minutes persist 66% of the time.

CRC's Executive Accelerator coaching program is a proven methodology, with a carefully chosen toolkit, that maximizes early success while minimizing the risk of missteps. It is designed not only to create early wins (that are important to your boss/organization), but to select the right areas of focus to strategically position you for long term success in the new role.

This program will help you to maintain that Rock Star persona you’re coming into the organization with, and communicate it to everyone you’re working with, so they are excited to work with you.

Going it on your own carries risks of being blind-sided by unseen performance metrics, misjudging interpersonal dynamics, or focusing on the wrong things. There will be a few key opportunities to shine during your first months on the job, make sure you are ready!

You need an experienced, unbiased coach in your corner, focused on doing everything possible to ensure you exceed your targets and create an enduring high performing team.

Program Description

Includes the following framework & curriculum to accelerate your progress with a new employer or in a new role:

✧    Assess your strengths and weaknesses
✧    Diagnose your situation and organize what you need to learn
✧    Define your strategic intent (your vision & the clear strategy to achieve that vision)
✧    Determine what early wins you can secure
✧    Establish key priorities & vital goals for your first year
✧    Develop questions to ask your new boss to ensure your success
✧    Create a 30-60-90-day plan and develop the communication of this plan
✧    Techniques to build a successful team (including your leaders)
✧    Create supporting alliances & key coalitions in support of your initiatives

✧    Develop and enhance your Executive Presence
✧    Learn & implement the 14 Critical Success Strategies: those things you must do and those things you should definitely NOT do


These topics and every aspect of the approach are designed to solidify your personal brand inside of your new company. 

The program includes one-on-one coaching via video calls, along with worksheets and instructional PDFs. You will also receive a proprietary PowerPoint presentation template for the communication of your 30-60-90-day plan.

By the end of the first 90 days, every top leader – including YOU - should ensure that their bosses, peers, and those people they lead feel something GREAT is happening and are excited to implement the new leader’s 1st-year goals and adopt the change that they hired them to make.

Remember, the organization sees you as the bridge that will take them to where they want to be. Let us help you build that bridge.


Why choose CRC?


  • More than 16 years as an executive coaching firm, focused exclusively on career and leadership development for high-performing managers and executives
  • A strong track record of success; see our metrics here.
  • Coaches who are executives themselves, with decades of experience at large and small companies – they’ve been where you are now and have successfully navigated the pitfalls
  • Bespoke coaching approach – you will get battle-tested coaching that is highly customized to your exact situation
  • High value for money – a strong ROI. Achieve and exceed your target bonus.

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