Today, I want to make a very important point that worries a lot of job seekers at the highest levels, and that may include you.
What If I'm Job Seeking Without a College Degree?
The people that come to us for help are always Rock Stars, as we can see that after talking with them and listening to the stories of their accomplishments.
Many of them, though, do not have a four year college degree, and that is many times their main concern in looking for a high paying position.
In fact, when I worked at the largest executive career firm in the country, over my 5-year tenure, about one third of my clients in Sales positions did not have anything more than a high school education, and were doing their job seeking without a college degree. Their achievement stories would tell otherwise. To this day, people that come to me without a college degree list that as their top liability.
These clients went on to receive job offers of $200K+ (and much more!) by articulating their value and making themselves the answer to the employer's problems.
Don't You Worry About It
I'm here to tell you that if you have 10 years or more of great experience, where you have proven yourself to be a top performer, the fact that you lack a college degree is at the bottom of employers' lists of qualifications. Of course, they list it on their desired qualifications on a posted job online, but if you send your resume in hard copy to the person that would be your boss (one of our successful "secrets" of getting phone calls), they hardly ever ask about college if you're over 30 years old.
It's also not important if you have 4+ years of military experience, as that is extremely valuable if you can translate your skills into business language.
Please know you just don't need a college degree if you
're looking for a high paying job. Your experience and your achievements speak for themselves, and if you show yourself to be the answer to their prayers and the bridge that will take them where they want to go, then employers will pay you top dollar for your abilities. This has nothing to do with what college you went to, or if you had any college at all. Lay that liability to rest.
College Is Not a Waste
With that said, I'm not saying college is a total waste of time - I have two degrees, and I loved every minute of the experience. I was surprised, however, when I got my first career position out of college, that in my training class there was a young lady that spent 4 years in the mail room of the same company, and was now in training for the same position I was hired for. She went to work straight out of high school, and didn't have a lick of college experience. We're now successful business owners who took two different paths early in our lives.
If you’re interested in talking with me or one of my team members about our career services, just fill out a quick survey by clicking on the green button at the bottom of the page, or call our office at (816) 600-2478.
Have a very productive week, and remember, Luck = Preparation + Opportunity!