2 min read

Leveraging Your Organizational Skills

By Tammy Kabell on Mar 28, 2014 6:15:03 AM

Improve Your Organizational Skills by Doing Less

It never fails to amaze me that there are articles out there that talk about having better organizational skills, and their methods involve adding 6-10 things more you need to do each day. To me, it makes sense that if I want to improve my organizational skills I first must scale back on what zaps my productivity and perpetuates my lack of organization. I need to organize my time to be productive at the best times.

Topics: Business Success kansas city lees summit mo organizational skills
2 min read

Your Business Plan Process: Success Guidelines

By Tammy Kabell on Mar 26, 2014 2:00:44 AM

Tips For Creating a Worthwhile Business Plan

Working on process documents, also better known as business plans, is a rather frustrating exercise. While constructing it, no matter how much time you spend on it, it will simply be changed almost immediately. This can be just as frustrating for the users of the business plan as it is for the writers of the process documents. So why don’t people just scrap the entire process of writing business plans upfront entirely? Building a business plan make the writer explore the many different areas to plan for his or her business.

Topics: business plan success Business Success kansas city lees summit mo Executive Career Coaching