Career Resume Consulting Blog

Six Ninja Persuasion Techniques for Your Executive Job Search

Written by Tammy Kabell | Sep 19, 2016 3:30:20 PM
Today, I’d like to quickly hit on some learnings I gleaned from re-reading a classic book on persuasion, called, “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.” The author, Dr. Robert Cialdini, is considered the father of the science of persuasion (and you didn’t even know that existed!).
Here at Career Resume Consulting, I like to take the best practices of Psychology, Sales and Marketing and use them to your advantage as a job seeker, especially in the six-figure or executive spaces.
I’d like to share with you the six persuasion techniques Cialdini outlines in his book,and a quick way to use each of them in a job search. I’ve also included, at the bottom of this newsletter, a video that goes into more detail about how to use these persuasion techniques.
Here are the main principles and how to use them as a job seeker:
People feel obligated to do something back for you if you do something for them. If your job lead has gone cold, and you haven’t heard back in a couple of weeks, email them a “piece of value” that you’ve found on the internet that would be applicable to their needs/pain points. Click here to find out how to do this through a Google Filetype Search.
Plain and simple, people want what they can’t have. If you get a call from a recruiter or employer, don’t drop everything to talk with them immediately. Set up a time in the next day or so that is convenient for you to have the conversation. You’re a busy professional, remember?
People hire people they like over people that are more qualified, all the way up to the CEO level. Build a connection with your interviewer immediately by doing your homework about the person, not just the company. Very specific flattery will get you everywhere.
You are an expert in something, I guarantee it. You don’t have to be a national authority; you just have to know more about a certain subject than the person sitting across the desk from you. People will hire experts quicker and pay them more than just a winning candidate.
In an interview, just by saying, “People know me as the person who…” or “My former boss once said I was the best he had ever seen at…” This is the value of social proof, which is, if someone else has a great opinion about  you, it must be true.
Be committed to a consistent message throughout your communication; your written materials, your online presence and your interview answers all must have the same message. People (decision makers) feel comfortable and confident in a consistent message, and it makes you a safe bet to hire. Also, and here’s a tip: Getting them to say 7 YES’s in an interview, no matter what they’re agreeing to, greatly increases the odds of them hiring you. I don’t have time to go into why! Just trust me on that one.
If you’d like a more in depth look into these principles, spend a few minutes with me on the video below.
Here’s to your job search – and career – success!
--- Tammy Kabell
CEO, Career Resume Consulting