Career Resume Consulting Blog

Your Job Market Minute: Contacting Centers of Influence

Written by Tammy Kabell | Aug 6, 2012 12:17:32 PM

Networking is one of the most effective ways of finding a high paying position in this job market, but networking the right way relative to six-figure job seeking goes well beyond giving your friends copies of your resume or asking them if they know of anyone who is hiring.

So here's a networking strategy you can use without ever leaving your home. Reach out - by phone or by email - to Centers of Influence. These are people that know or have contact with a lot of professionals within the community. These could include people you already know, like:

  • Your Doctor
  • Your Tax Preparer
  • Members of Clergy
  • Your Banker

Within the course of a short conversation, let them know you're in the job market and your expertise (what problems you solve), and ask them that all important question, "Who do you know that I should be talking with?"

For more detailed information on how to conduct an effective informational interview, visit my web page dedicated to that subject:

Listen for these Monday Job Market Minutes each Monday morning on Talk Radio KCMO 710AM and 103.7FM at 7:49am and Monday afternoons during the Sean Hannity show.

I wish you the very best week EVER in your search!

Warm Regards,
Tammy Kabell
Career Resume Consulting