Career Resume Consulting Blog

The Ultimate Guide to Developing Your Personal Brand

Written by Tammy Kabell | Apr 26, 2023 8:09:56 PM

Congratulations, you've made it to the top of the corporate ladder! Now what? Oh right, time to develop a personal brand. Don't worry, it's not as daunting as it sounds. Just think of yourself as a product and you're going to market the H. E. double toothpicks out of it.

After all, you've got skills and expertise that are worth shouting from the rooftops. So, grab your megaphone, and let's get started...

Define your personal brand

You can't sell yourself if you don't know what you're selling. Take a long, hard look in the mirror and figure out what makes you stand out from the crowd. Are you a master at spreadsheets? A PowerPoint ninja? A Jedi of corporate jargon? Whatever it is, own it.

If, after that long, hard look in the mirror, you’re still unclear, get some input from three friends that know you well and are familiar with how you work. Ask for the main words that describe you, the most impressive achievement they are aware of, and anything else they would want a decision-maker to know about you.

Speaking of crowd…

You know, that thing that you want to stand out from? It might be a good idea to define that as well. I mean, if you want to separate yourself apart from the crowd, you’ll want to list some descriptors of said crowd so that you have a benchmark to compare yourself against.

Identify your target audience

Who do you want to impress? Are you looking to woo potential clients, snag new job offers, or just become the envy of your colleagues? Knowing your audience is key to crafting a brand message that will resonate with them. Your brand should be highly relevant to this target audience.

Craft a compelling brand message

Think of your personal brand message as your elevator pitch but with a little more pizzazz. Use your unique talents and expertise to create a message that sets you apart from your competition. And for the love of all that is holy, make sure it's not boring.

Build a strong online presence

In the age of social media, you can't afford to be a digital hermit. Create a professional website (there are free platforms like and low-cost ones like, overhaul your LinkedIn profile, spend some quality time shaping it into your own sales page, and get active on social media.

My personal favorite online playground is LinkedIn. This is the town square where all of the decision-makers for your next job are hanging out. Ever since Microsoft bought LinkedIn in 2016, I've found it to be incredibly fertile ground for our clients looking to land their next multi-six-figure positions. It's easy to get active on LinkedIn - Just make sure you're not oversharing pictures of your cat. (personal pet peeve)

Establish thought leadership

You want to be the person everyone turns to for advice, right? Establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry is the way to do it. Write blog posts, speak at events, and do whatever it takes to get your voice heard. There are many applications and platforms that can assist you in getting your ideas out there.

One of the apps I'm wild about right now is Taplio, an application that plugs into LinkedIn that is AI-driven and can do everything from inspiring your own content to swiping older content that went viral in the past few years from other LinkedIn members. (I actually use that content as my muse, and build my own posts from there.) It will even schedule them for you so that you can spend an hour in focused creation time and set your posts up for the next week or the next month. I've just barely scratched the surface of its functionality, so I recommend checking it out. And no, I am not compensated for saying that.

Network strategically

You know the old saying, "It's not what you know, it's who you know"? Yeah, it's still kind of true. Attend events, join professional organizations, and schmooze like it's your job. Just try not to be too obvious about it.

Most networking is done online these days. So, when I say attend events, I’m also talking about online events. When you meet someone new, seek to understand before trying to be understood. And, add value that will be meaningful to your new buddy in every interaction without asking for anything in return. At least for the first few times you meet someone.

Monitor your brand reputation

In the age of Instagram and Twitter, your reputation is everything. Keep an eye on what people are saying about you online and respond to any negative feedback in a way that's professional, but still shows off your killer sense of humor.

By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to developing a personal brand that's as impressive as it is authentic.

Does this whole personal branding thing sound enticing but you don't know where to start or would like some assistance? It's kinda my schtick, so if you would like to have a conversation to explore working together, I'm all yours.

Go forth and conquer, you branding badass!

What tips have you found helpful in creating your personal brand that you would like to share? When it comes to personal brands, what are your turn-offs? Turn-ons?

#personalbranding #corporateladderclimber #thoughtleadership