Career Resume Consulting Blog

Exceptional Job Search Strategies for Overachievers

Written by Tammy Kabell | Jun 17, 2015 12:26:57 AM

Only a few people ever take their career to the top. Want to be one of them?

The people who make it to the top aren’t just lucky; they’re overachievers.
The ones that make a fortune for themselves aren’t like everybody else – they think and act differently! I’ve seen this firsthand so many times in my 12 years as a career professional.

I’m talking about clients of mine like one of my favorites (I’ll call her Julie), who worked as a VP of IT for a very large institution, and was definitely a standout Rock Star when she was there. While working on her resume, after my discussions with her I realized she really wasn’t in the IT business at all, even though she defined herself as such. She was in Sales, and just happened to be selling IT services!

Fast forward a few months, and Julie was contemplating offers from to very well-known name brands of software providers. The one she chose created a job for her where she could work from home, making a base of the same amount she was making in total compensation at her last job (around $185K). She called me in April of this year to tell me that she was nearing the end of her first year at her new company in a Sales position, and she was scheduled to make a minimum of $750K her first year!

She had been worried when she took the job that she wouldn’t stand out as a Rock Star, because she assumed everyone working for this international leader of IT services would be a top performer, but when we talked, she said she was still a standout from her peers. She even talked to me about moving to a competitor within the next year, because she knows she hasn’t reached her full potential yet.

She is a true overachiever.

Want to know the secrets to becoming an overachiever? Want to think and act like an overachiever so you become one?

Before you read any further, I want to warn you that the ideas and career marketing strategies in the rest of this article may not be for you. However, if you’re one of those rare people who wants to truly be the “best in the business,” to stand head and shoulders above your competition, then read on.

What Holds Most Six-Figure Job Seekers Back?
It’s not because they’re not smart enough, don’t work hard enough or lack opportunities. The problem is that their career marketing (if they have any strategy at all) isn’t focused on what works and they lack the skills and the marketing knowledge to take their career to the next level.

What’s the Difference Between Overachievers and Everyone Else?

Overachievers Have a Different Mindset

Every job seeker makes their fair share of mistakes and overachievers may make even more than most. The difference is that overachievers aren’t worried about making mistakes. They use each as an opportunity to improve their search.

For example, when you spend 8 hours a day doing job searching activities that don’t generate a single response, what do you do? Do you blindly continue the same activities for weeks and months and hope for the best, or do you give up looking for a job completely? Or do you hire an expert to show you how to best market yourself to get into multiple hiring processes? The latter is what overachievers do.

Want to be truly successful? Would you like to be considered for our Six Figure Solution full search mentoring program? Use this link to apply.

Overachievers Focus on Winning Instead of Not Losing

One of the biggest barriers for most job seekers is they’re focused on “not losing,” instead of winning. By not losing, I mean they will take any job just to stop being unemployed. There’s a big difference; it’s the difference between looking down and going forward, watching your feet, and looking up to see where you are going.

Karl Wallenda, the famous tightrope walker, was asked if he thought about falling as he balanced on the wire hundreds or thousands of feet in the air. He responded, “The moment I start to think about falling, it is time to retire.”

Overachievers have the same mindset as Karl. Instead of worrying about failure, they focus on moving their career forward. They can clearly see where they want to go, and know how to get there.

Overachievers Develop Their Skills and Confidence

One of my favorite examples of an overachiever is another client, Bob, who is an Electrician. What comes to mind when you think of Electricians? Blue collar workers who want to bill you a lot and take their time getting the job done, and maybe even leaving a mess behind?

You don’t usually think of blue collar workers, even skilled laborers, as seeking out executive career search advice, but Bob had a larger vision of what he could become. We were able to brand him based on his friendly service, smart solutions and white glove cleanliness. To make his career stand out and be paid more as a result, he sought out new ideas and strategies for marketing himself.

When Bob found my firm, he put his trust in us and put all of my strategies to work to see what would happen.

Focusing on winning instead of not losing is a lot easier when you know what works. The fastest way to build your confidence is to find out which ideas, which selling skills and which marketing strategies will help you be more successful.

In Bob’s case, by putting my proven marketing ideas to use, he grew his income by over 50% within 2 months.

If you’re one of those rare people who wants to be an overachiever – discover how to get the mindset, skills, marketing strategies and confidence to take your career to the top.
Find out how to focus your goals and search strategies to reach outrageous levels of success.

Use THIS LINK to be considered for our Six Figure Solution full search mentoring program or our Career Search Branding program.

Here’s to a successful search for your perfect job!