Career Resume Consulting Blog

How To Land Your Dream Job in 2024

Written by Tammy Kabell | Feb 3, 2023 12:45:00 PM

Here at Career Resume Consulting, we help people land their dream jobs.

Your dream job doesn’t exist in the posted job market. If you’ve been applying online and you feel like you’re in a black hole, not hearing anything from anyone, it’s because your dream job isn’t listed in the posted job market.

Positions in the posted job market are all about checking someone else’s boxes. But your dream job checks all of your boxes, and your dream job exists in the hidden job market.

 The hidden job market is real, but it’s not a place: it’s a point in time.

That point in time is the moment your future boss realizes they have a need.

Your dream job exists, in your dream company. They just don’t know yet that you exist.

The hidden job market is when your potential boss realizes they have a need for someone like you. They start looking around and asking around if anyone knows who would be a really good match for what they’re looking for.

In the hidden job market, or the open job market, you really have to prove yourself. You have to build your reputation before they get to know you. What you need to do is create that memorable, compelling first impression that makes them want to pick up the phone and call you.

If you find yourself applying for things that are beneath you, and you’re realizing that you’re overqualified for everything you’re applying for, this is a really good indication that you should be checking out the hidden job market.

Think about it: when was the last time you saw a multiple-six-figure role listed in a job posting? If it’s there, you’ll be among hundreds of people applying for it.

Wouldn’t it be easier to land your perfect role if you and your potential boss had an exploratory conversation about their challenges and their goals and initiatives for the year? If you talked about their stumbling blocks and obstacles that are getting in their way?

In an exploratory conversation, you can make yourself relevant by sharing how you could solve their problems and bring new value to their enterprise.

 But they won’t call you in the first place if you haven’t made that great first impression. And one of the best ways to make a great first impression is with a stellar LinkedIn profile.

These days, the #1 way to reach out to potential hiring managers is through LinkedIn. It’s crucial to have a really compelling profile in today’s executive job search landscape.

So let me ask you a question: If you were to rate your LinkedIn profile from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most beautiful, all-star profile, how would you rate your LinkedIn?

If your LinkedIn profile looks good but isn’t generating a lot of traffic and no one is calling you, that tells me that you could use a better LinkedIn profile.

If you want to get your LinkedIn profile to all-star status to access that hidden job market and land your dream role in 2023, let’s have a conversation.