Career Resume Consulting Blog

Four Challenges of Finding a Six-Figure Job--and How to Overcome Them

Written by Tammy Kabell | Aug 13, 2014 11:43:50 PM

Finding any job in today's economy can be tough, but finding a job that will provide a six-figure income can prove especially difficult. Jobs with six-figure incomes aren't easy to come by, and even if you do find one, there is no guarantee you'll get the job. That doesn't mean that you can't focus your career development efforts and increase your chances, however. Here are four career development obstacles you will likely face when looking for a job with a six-figure income and how to overcome them.

Overcoming Career Development Hurdles

Finding any job in today's economy can be tough, but finding a job that will provide a six-figure income can prove especially difficult. Jobs with six-figure incomes aren't easy to come by, and even if you do find one, there is no guarantee you'll get the job. That doesn't mean that you can't focus your career development efforts and increase your chances, however. Here are four career development obstacles you will likely face when looking for a job with a six-figure income and how to overcome them.

1. Lack of Time

If you are hoping your new job will replace your current job, lack of time to pursue career development or to job search can be a real obstacle. Overcome it by taking night or weekend classes, by connecting to new job contacts online via social media, and by using your vacation days to job search.

2. Lack of Qualifications

With six figures to offer, employers can be picky about who they hire, and only the most qualified candidates have a shot. Improve your chances by returning to school or by attending career development classes and workshops on the side. Gain experience, even if you have to do it through volunteer work or self-study.

3. Few Job Opportunities

Many job openings are never advertised, so if you are only searching the classifieds, you may not find many opportunities for career development. Instead of looking through the job postings, spend your time generating professional contacts and letting people know you are looking for a job. Then, when something becomes available, you'll be one of the first to know.

4. Fruitless Interviews

If you are landing interviews but not finding a job, there may be something wrong with your interview process. Study up on the latest interview questions, assess your body language and come prepared with impressive, factual and statistics based information about your career development so far. Avoid the common pitfalls, and don't be afraid to sell yourself.

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