Get Your Own Free Copy of a Great Performing Resume.

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The first impression as a top performer in the multiple six-figure or seven-figure job market is crucially important, and studies show that the first impression through written materials like a resume or CV, or through online sources like a LinkedIn profile, will stay consistent throughout a hiring process 66% of the time or more.

In other words, what a decision-maker reads about you will form their first opinion of you, and that opinion most likely stays the same, even after interviewing.

It took Tammy Kabell over 10 years to hone this resume style, and after multiple split testing over the years to ensure the best response, we can present to you a 5-pack of sample resumes in a PDF version. 

The resume bundle you'll receive includes a sample resume that allowed someone who had never before held a COO position to start a new COO role within a new sector of the Tech industry in the San Francisco Bay Area (a very competitive market) within only 8 weeks!

You can use this 5-pack of sample resumes to further your own efforts in improving your current resume, or you can find out about our Executive Branding program, where we work with you personally to develop your top achievement stories and frame them in the most impressive way.

Sign up above to receive your copy of these game-changing resumes immediately!

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